Ran the decade of 1920 and extended Lanus demographically, one Volunteer Fire Department worked across the railroad tracks and tried their precarious specific elements to ensure the tranquility of the villages that made up the town, which reached the banks of the creek, and necessary and essential to have another Volunteer Fire Department on the west side to ensure the safety of the growing population and ever get to time at its best cercanía.Un group of neighbors, who knew the body Volunteer Firefighters, who was crossing the tracks beat up another body, these men did not imagine that would become the creators of this happy here, because this day of October 12, 1924 was born the current Volunteer Fire Company and First Aid Lanús Oeste, which over the years would increase their activities in a way that would make it one of the most important institutions in the area, its role in assisting comunitaria.El November 23, 1924 performed the first general meeting and appointed the Honorable Board of Directors chaired, and its President Mr. Carlos Traversa.Este new headquarters was officially opened May 30, 1926. The first elements of rudimentary firefighting and few only had half a dozen leather buckets, some shovels, picks and axes and means of transport as a "cabriolet", later as funds allow the purchase is made of a horse, the pillar of fire, a piston and wrench to adjust uniones.El April 19, 1925 is recorded the minutes of the first body Activo.Concluidas the new authorities, Chief Commander Joseph M. Active Body Lage, taken the first steps in an attempt to boost the action of the emerging entity, which is starting to be seen more excitement in the neighborhood and consequently this is reflected in increased financial support offered by the people, and realizes the report of Mr. Treasurer. Among the measures mentioned above highlighted the purchase of two dozen grenades and mortar, to call the fire department to attend the siniestros.Resulta interesting to note that among the provisions that were mentioned, included the purchase of a mount for the rack and the commander was authorized to withdraw the pound Municipal the horse of the institution and is delivered to a local resident to be tamed, but committing the neighbor to give another animal to use in case of fire. This animal was used in the cart today is in our museum, "The Blas Molina"
In 1926, the grant is obtained Monsignor Mariano Espinosa honeycomb and other car brand Fiat, although inadequate both for the function would intended, thanks to the work done by the then chief engineer, was able to get them fit for service. The appropriate bodies for these cars were built in the barracks. At the meeting of May 20, at 15 hours, while working out respective issue invitations to the appropriate authorities, entities especiales.Tal sisters and guests as had been anticipated and all the formalities of practice, held on May 30 the official opening of the barracks, near the end of the year you receive a communication from the Ministry of the Province of Buenos Aires, reporting that by decree of December 17 the Company recognized as a Person Jurídica.Bomberos Volunteers Lanús Oeste zone of protection for any emergency is comprised of the streets Uriarte / Horn to the banks of the Riachuelo, following the same road to Valparaiso, then to Chile, returning from Rivadavia Avenue, then to Brazil to first two Roca railway lines, which are bordering Fire Lanús Este.
the first fire engine Blas Molina

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