MARCH 4, 1925 20:15 pm Being. the day of the date you receive notice that on the street [ILLEGIBLE] 3175 Industrial Villa had been unleashed a waste of time incendio.Sin an endowment from the barracks came under the command of fireman Alberto Grandmontagne immediately to the scene of where sieniestro there was evidence that the fire had started on the floor and shelves of a wooden box, Valdes was attacked with water supplied from the neighboring farm, drowning at 22:15 hs.El according to origin of fire inspection was conducted by a candle burning on the table of light falling on the ground floor was expanded to madera.La property was Mrs. Lucia Rosa domiciled in the same [ILLEGIBLE] 3175. The owner valuing losses in pesos. Salvadose hundred and fifty dollars. It has no tenant. Uninsured, injured and no neighboring boundaries relevant misfortunes. On the intervention of members of the body. It gave the police intervention. Since taking charge at 22:15 by Lanus Deputy Commissioner Oeste.Personal active body acted: Chief Jose M. Lage, 2nd. Chief Alberto Riffa, Sergeant Celestino Fretieri, Cape Manuel Arcos, and troops. Cooperating individuals: Paul M. Victor Antonio Perez and withdrawal to the barracks Giovanne.Hora 22:20 hs. 22:40 pm arrival. This summary is based on the return of data collected at the crash site (No. 1).
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