Monday, March 21, 2011

Restaurantspurposely Mean To You


What if the source dries up school if there was no water in the fridge, or come out of the tap?
This video will
WATER USE: from plants to flourish to make us smile every morning ... See if you count and you observe how many items you can find water in this video (hint? .. Steam ...). It's a funny video and this makes us see what is the water in our lives.

Until now we thought that water is an inexhaustible natural resource but rather are something, someone has changed: we with our behavior: the water is running out and already today there are millions of people without access to water or it potable.

So has established the World Day for Water, to raise, this year in particular, that pro the first time in the history of our world and more people live in cities than in the field .. and that water consumption is limited by their unconscious. And in many other cases, it is contaminated.

In these days when the people of Japan has suffered such a dramatic tragedy, Water for Life, has also appeared with traces of radioactivity.

This video will like it, because you know the song that excites you sing: WE WILL ROCK YOU! . At the end is a sunset that reminds me of the Japanese flag "and you? . It has been terrible the brutal effect of water, the TSUNAMI (or Tsunami, the word which is called in Japanese this uncontrollable force of nature caused almost always behind in earthquake).

share with Japan and our partners and friends of the Japanese School in London, we express our grief and sadness. But we also know of his courage and energy as strong and noble people they are. We are sure you will soon get beyond this terrible situation. So desire.

We will do our bit WORLD WATER DAY this thinking also of them, what can we do from our kind of music? "I hope ideas and suggestions, please!



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