This Sunday 28 competed in the marathon of Arrecife, Lanzarote with the misfortune to puncture the front wheel on the mile 12. If it had been in a more advanced mile might have thought finish well but being 30km decided it was best to leave before breaking the wheel. The race in the category wheelchair was spectacular with 16 seats at stake, which any marathon major cities in Spain achieved, which on one hand gives a high value on what has been achieved and puts into question the of large organizations marathons in Spain. The race was won by my good friend, the Paralympic athlete , Rafa Botello in second position also stay the paraíimpico Alesandrino Silva, Portuguese athlete, and third position Bayron López, Ecuador. When suffered the sting was in 4 th position trying to hunt down Bayron but things turned now thinking about the coming races, that of handbike La Vall D ' Uixó and possibly a Open athletics championship in Spain in Malaga
Finally I want to thank Isa Janssens, the Club Lasanta at www . tri, to organization and the world that help to keep this marathon is the most important in terms of number of seats in the country
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