Salteña Our headquarters is in its history, a tragic and unfortunate fire. Was 5:15 of the year December 26, 1977, and a powerful fire destroyed the premises of a wholesale store located at Av Pavon 2841 and communicating with the street Dr. Melo, we referred to the wholesaler Máximo Paz SA, whose approximate size was 40 feet long x 12 meters frente.Al arrival of the first endowment was by Commander Joseph Salis. Firefighters appreciated open a door down the street and fire Dr. Melo earned all merchandise stored there, then start to attack the case on that front. This door open to suspicion of a criminal maneuver after a few minutes robo.En verifies that fire personnel in a nearby house located at Rua Dr. Melo 1585 adjacent to the warehouse, the fire began to act up, so when J. Sergeant Firefighter Carlos Meza Peralta and knocked on the door of the house, without response from the residents, until at one time a young couple flees in terror, without alerting the staff of unexploded explosivos.Minutos later, Sergeant Peralta and The Fireman Meza were on a higher plane of this property when a large explosion shook the whole neighborhood, breaking down the wall, and making big holes culminating with the collapse of our staff terraza.Cuando will attend these two firefighters found the mangled body of Firefighter Sergeant Peralta Meza and his legs badly injured 22-year Meza was a fireman very liked by his classmates, was married and had a daughter three months. Peralta was married and had two hijos.El Sergeant Peralta long recovery after he gets the Hierarchy of Sergeant Major, who died 2 years after failing to overcome a surgical procedure promoted to Third Officer Fireman mortem.El post-Meza becomes first fallen firefighter on duty in Lanús Oeste, ascending Cape
post-mortem (Sub Assistant)