Monday, January 31, 2011

What Are Beautiful French Words

31/01/1911 - Severe Storm Río Primero (Córdoba)

A strong storms last night at 23:20 near HOA, blowing roofs, fallen poles and flooded homes in the city of Rio First, a distance of 55 km east of the city of Cordoba, where there were five families evacuated but no injuries were reported. Rain fall totals in the city in an hour between 90 and 100 mm, and high winds exceeded 100 km / h. The city was without power for several hours and following the fall of poles and trees, there was no telephone service.

Figure 1: Radar image of Paraná (480 km range). Note the intensity of highly organized convective line. While the radar overestimates the echoes, they are still very inportant because they are reflectivities which are located approximately 8 km high denoting the severity of such storms .

Figure 2: magen I satellite GOES-13 IR in the 2:09 UTC which appreciates the convective system that was affecting the province of Cordoba.

Some pictures of the damage

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Best Snowmobilemodular Helmet


While the class to the rhythms .. three wonderful singers took to make us enjoy their voices .. would you know?


Messages To Write In A Book For Baby

, director ... and the London Symphony Orchestra ... OUR

go to the Barbican. We will see a wonderful concert by the London Symphony Orchestra. .. And we are already preparing for it.

I scored the link that you may see many wonderful activities for students and prepare for adults as well, so dads, moms, music teachers!

The teacher and went to the Journey concert preparation and brought us some pictures of that day:

In class, we practice different rhythms with a director of emergency: Samuel Andon Interns.

Then each group produced a small work which he played for the baton of its principal to respective. How to enjoy our pieces!

Price Of Upper Partial Plate


started a new year working a lot: we are our own musical instruments from recycled materials.

Remember, therefore, the characteristics by which must have:

1. Resist the forces of "alternative" from other uses (recycling of containers, objects used for another purpose, containers, wire, rope, rubber bands, spools ....).
2.deb be original, ie not already exist. The more singualres more "rare", the more we surprised by its ability to make sounds and. Scored in our special contest. 3.Por
course, you should be able to "play" a little piece with them.

be assessed on originality, held a fantastic idea, what you have worked on them, how well built they are, in addition to the well thought out and presented in class the construction process. We

an exhibition in the halls of the Senate of the Institute .. be warned with great fanfare!, Of course, and you are tod @ s @ s! Invite. Meanwhile, here you have a wonderful selection of our builders, inventors, creators and their works luthiers!



Friday, January 14, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop Advent 2010


Yesterday I received the news that I have been recognized as high-level athlete, something that fills me with pride and makes me commit myself to improve every day. I also thank my family, friends, partners and sponsors their support