LUTHIERS! started a new year working a lot: we are our own musical instruments from recycled materials.
Remember, therefore, the characteristics by which must have:
1. Resist the forces of "alternative" from other uses (recycling of containers, objects used for another purpose, containers, wire, rope, rubber bands, spools ....).
2.deb be original, ie not already exist. The more singualres more "rare", the more we surprised by its ability to make sounds and. Scored in our special contest. 3.Por
course, you should be able to "play" a little piece with them.
be assessed on originality, held a fantastic idea, what you have worked on them, how well built they are, in addition to the well thought out and presented in class the construction process. We
an exhibition in the halls of the Senate of the Institute .. be warned with great fanfare!, Of course, and you are tod @ s @ s! Invite. Meanwhile, here you have a wonderful selection of our builders, inventors, creators and their works luthiers!